forest therapy resources
The Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs:
Intro to Forest Therapy by ANFT founder, M. Amos Clifford:
Here's a great article from NPR on Forest Bathing or Forest Therapy:
And for New Yorkers:
forest education, protection and revival
- Afforestt - bringing forests back now
- Alianza Arkana -- Peruvian Amazon regenerating the Peruvian Amazon by supporting its indigenous people and their traditions
- Call of the Forest -- the forgotten wisdom of trees a documentary that follows scientist and acclaimed author Diana Beresford-Kroeger as she investigates the profound biological and spiritual connection to forests in a global journey exploring the science, folklore, and restoration challenges of this essential eco-system, aka community.
- Community Carbon Trees -- Costa Rica connecting local farmers with people all over the world
- Heartwood -- Eastern United States people helping people protect the places they love
- i Give Trees -- Brazilian Amazon community-grounded rainforest renewal
- John Muir Project -- United States dedicated to protecting National Forests
- Pachamama Alliance -- global protecting the source, inspiring the future
- Rainforest Action Network - global using people power to challenge business as usual
- Rainforest Foundation UK - global helping indigenous peoples and forest communities around the world
- Survival International -- global movement for tribal peoples' rights
- TreeSisters -- global women seeding change
A big thank you to for originally compiling this list.