Linda understands why you might not want to look here and it's a necessary page for any walk on Long Island ... well, for almost anywhere these days. With proper attention and care, ticks can be avoided. We mostly stay on trails or wander in areas where there isn't a lot of underbrush. Since safety and enjoyment are two of LI Forest Walk's primary concern, great care is taken to ensure that no one brings anything home except wonderful memories!
There's a movement happening on Long Island to release quail back into our forested habitats because quail love to eat ticks. Here's a site that tells the whole story:
In addition to quail, possum also eat ticks and they are immune to Lyme Disease. Makes you love possums just a little bit more, doesn't it?
There's a movement happening on Long Island to release quail back into our forested habitats because quail love to eat ticks. Here's a site that tells the whole story:
In addition to quail, possum also eat ticks and they are immune to Lyme Disease. Makes you love possums just a little bit more, doesn't it?