leadership & team building, guided by nature

A Manager of Management and Leadership Development for over 20 years, Linda has designed, developed and facilitated front-of-the-room training for every topic from customer service to management best practices for new supervisors to leadership for mid-level managers.
Leaving the full time corporate world in 2014, Linda worked as an independent consultant for her former organization, as well as in partnership with HR firms to design their own products for client delivery.
Linda's unique style included 19 years of being a certified life coach, her professional (Equity/SAG/AFTRA) performance background and experience being on the customer facing side of business.
Leaving the full time corporate world in 2014, Linda worked as an independent consultant for her former organization, as well as in partnership with HR firms to design their own products for client delivery.
Linda's unique style included 19 years of being a certified life coach, her professional (Equity/SAG/AFTRA) performance background and experience being on the customer facing side of business.
Your employees will thank you for this corporate training that combines classroom style training plus an afternoon forest walk!
Spend the morning in the classroom, learning the basics of leadership and team building. Break for lunch and reconvene at a nearby, natural location for a forest walk that deepens the learning. This is a transformational, immersive experience, as well as giving your employees a cognitive function boost and some stress relief.
These immersive experiences are typically 2.5 hours in length, following the classroom training and take place as close to the organization's offices as possible. Although Long Island Forest Walks is a year-round experience, corporate forest walks experiences take place March - November and weather permitting. Classroom training is always available!
Leadership Series (each topic is a half-day with a forest walk in the afternoon)
Team Building (One 1/2 day program with a forest walk in the afternoon)
Contact Linda at linda@liforestwalks.com for pricing and more information or call 516-238-0059.
Spend the morning in the classroom, learning the basics of leadership and team building. Break for lunch and reconvene at a nearby, natural location for a forest walk that deepens the learning. This is a transformational, immersive experience, as well as giving your employees a cognitive function boost and some stress relief.
These immersive experiences are typically 2.5 hours in length, following the classroom training and take place as close to the organization's offices as possible. Although Long Island Forest Walks is a year-round experience, corporate forest walks experiences take place March - November and weather permitting. Classroom training is always available!
Leadership Series (each topic is a half-day with a forest walk in the afternoon)
Introduction to Leadership: What's Your Stake?
"When there's a leadership stake, a mess is called learning. When there isn't a leadership stake, it's just called a mess."
~ L.A. Reding, Master Certified Coach - Every leader has a stake: what guides them in good times, and the not-so-good times
- This session utilizes the characteristics of people we look up to, what we believe to be our past, most-proud moments, and permission to be open to learning & change when we might otherwise judge ourselves with our inner critic's voice. All these combine to create a leader stake that operates as a model for the new and seasoned leader.
"When there's a leadership stake, a mess is called learning. When there isn't a leadership stake, it's just called a mess."
Leading in a Culture of Engagement
- "Too often when people think of their journey into leadership, they envision a career path. What they should be thinking about is their own leadership development." - John Maxwell
- Opportunity, Accountability, Validation, Inclusion and Community are all engagement opportunities
- To create a culture of engagement, a leader must always be aware of how they impact the people around them.
- This session looks at each of these engagement opportunities as leaders create tangible action items as take aways.
Teaming vs. Team Building
- "Organizations must stop thinking of teams as static groups of individuals who have ample time to practice interacting successfully and efficiently." ~ Amy Edmondson author of Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy
- Curiosity, passion and empathy are the 3 pillars of Teaming
- This session explores each with real-world examples and take-aways
Coaching in a Culture of Engagement
- "What you believe about employees comes out in how you treat them. And how you treat them ultimately determines how effectively you engage them." ~Speaker, Author on Employee Engagement, Scott Carbonara
- Power Over vs. Power With
- Using the 5 engagement opportunities to build a lasting coaching style
Team Building (One 1/2 day program with a forest walk in the afternoon)
Systems-thinking approach to teams
- How do systems work? What makes them successful?
- In this engaging & team-building activity, groups identify known systems and then project their own work environment on those systems
Knowing your part in the system
- It would be easy if systems never changed, and yet, they are always changing.
- Knowing your part in the system keeps you balanced, grounded and on point for whatever is required.
A Discussion, not a Debate
- Using Improvisation techniques, leaders explore how to create discussions, acknowledge the value of others' opinions and ideas
The 2-part problem about Relationships (one of them is you)
- Using techniques from the Arbinger Institute's Anatomy of Peace & Leadership and Self-Deception, leaders learn how they may collude in creating the very relationships they want to change.
The team scavenger hunt or the human knot (depends on number of employees and location)
- Whether it's a team scavenger hunt or the perplexing human knot activity, leaders will show up, ideas will be shared and everything that's been explored in this session comes to fruition as an interactive and engaging activity that teaches.
Contact Linda at linda@liforestwalks.com for pricing and more information or call 516-238-0059.